1) How can I change the interest rate for the Bank, from 10% to 5%?
2) Also, I've read the past 10 or so pages, EVERY post about gifs not showing up for custom or added catagories. On my site, I've added my own personal itemshop (thru buying it).
I've also ran into some of the troubles mentioned to get those custom icons installed...and none of the fixes work completely. Link's copy/paste fix helped out a bit...but all I was able to get from it, was the white "P" gif (no item.gif) to show for items in the new catagory. I tried using the same gifs that are used by the default items...it STILL shows as a white "P".
But I didn't see it noted (w/i the past 10 or so pages of posts here)....that there may be a catagory id error. If it IS mentioned, forgive me, I overlooked it...but thought I was very careful about searching for it as people tend to get upset at those who don't look more carefully.
Anyway, here is my observation: In the admincp...my new personal (and thus far, the ONLY) catagory (shop) is catid=4. But when you are in the actual Itemshop...and hover over that link to GET to my shop, and all of it's items, it says catid=0.
I would imagine that a lot of the issues are coming from this very thing. Anyone else noticed this? Anyone have a fix for it?
Again, my apologies if this IS already brought up...I just don't see it anywhere here yet. Oh, I don't know if it matters...but I use it with Lesane's Store Hack. Works great other than the issue #2 above.