Hosting questions >>
I currently host with and it's working well. But I'm looking around for other hosting options that would allow more freedom and possibilities. I noticed offer you a dedicated server for $99 a month:
Celeron 1.3
60GB space
400GB transfer
RedHat 7.2
The space and bandwidth looks fantastic but my questions is, for those who have a little experience with hosting and vbulletin, how far can you go before the cpu power and RAM become a limiting factor? With 400GB of monthly transfer, that's about 10-20 times what I currently use. How does that multiply considering the system specs?
I currently have a site with about 500k pageviews, 20-40GB bandwidth, one vbulletin forum with max 500-1000 posts a day. I plan to use mod_gzip to cut down on bandwidth and load times. How many similar sites could I add before I run out of cpu power and RAM?