Originally posted by jcroft
Right, and I modified the TCL script so that it SHOULD (I think) work on a number of events (join, part, sign off, topic change, etc.). However, it doesn't actually work. I don't know my TCL that well, so maybe someone can tell me where I'm going wrong? I've got the original hack working great, except that it doesn't update when someone leaves or signs off.
It actually DOES work... However, the person who just parted or quitted will still be in the chan list...
From a tcl-commands.doc which was included in eggdrop:
chanlist <channel> [flags[&chanflags]]
Description: flags are any global flags; the '&' denotes to look for
channel specific flags. Examples:
n (Global Owner)
&n (Channel Owner)
o&m (Global Op, Channel Master)
Now you can use even more complex matching of flags, including +&- flags
and & or | (and or or) matching.
Returns: list of nicknames currently on the bot's channel that have all
of the flags specified;. If no flags are given, all of the nicknames
are returned. Please note that if you're executing chanlist after a
part or sign bind, the gone user will still be listed, so you can
check for wasop, isop, etc.
So, if you have several quits in a row the number will get lower...