This may sound cliched but "ouch my eyes"
The blue HAS to go, and with a black font for the catagories it makes it painful to look at, and I'm not saying that in metaphoric way, my eyes actually contracted harshly when the forums came up. The bright blue on a dark backgound is too harsh, I fond myself squinting as I browse.
I see this is used in the postbt aswell. I would introduce some more subdued colors into the forum and change the blue to another less harsh color or a softer tone at the very least.
The Karma buttons need to be the same as the rest of the buttons. The purple ones look off.
The Title Logo is very boring. Spice it up with a graphic, and link the forum colors to it.
The Hover links are too dark, I think they would be easier to use if they were lighter.
Lose the rating colum it seems no one uses it and only takes up space.
Overall the layout is good, you seem to have a few hacks installed so I would be adventurous and get some category graphics happening. Even a Gradient Shading would look good.
Lastly looking at the postbit instead of framing the tables in blue how about coloring the tables themsleves with a backgound and losing the border. Use a lighter shade of the postbit background color and it will make the tables stand out without being "in your face"