Can I ask a huge favour?
I am attatching a picture of what my forum index looks with this post...see below
Now what I want to do:
1 - get the heading you see above the shoutbox: Forum/Posts/Threads/Last Post/Moderator to be moved right above and stick to the top of the first category of my forum.
2 - Have the shoutbox section
((that would be The Shoutbox - Latest Shout bar ... and the bar below it that has the poster's name and shout in it)) to stick to the bottom of the Private Messages bar you see in the attatched screenshot. And then leave a space between it before the Forum/Posts/Threads heading begins.
3 - I would also love to have The Shoutbox bar look the same as the Private Messages and Important Announcement Categories look on my forum. Rather than having the background Black and the writing Green
Is there anyone who could help me on this one please?