Ok, me an experienced user

of all sorts of boards, from ikonboards, to invisionboard, phpbb, wbb, ubb, but vb is different it is very easy to use, even for the average newbie. I can tell you that vbulletin, is one piece of software that would be a great feature for any site, and as Fire FLy had said, with vb3 right around the corner, and with high hopes for it, and from what I have seen from jelsoft's 2.x versions of vb, vb3 will also be one successful software. Vbulletin is user-friendly, and the support is great, not only do the admin, and mods help you, the fellow bb users, that are member like me and others, offer support too, and the great mod that have been released for vb is great, and I can assure you that you will not go wrong with investing in vb.