I must admit that I'm impressed.. I have seen many sites fully powered with webtemplates, but your site also designed nicely..Who ever did it, congrats, nice job
I know you said not to use a lot of them, but is there a limit? So far it seems really helpful. I don't have a lot of the site finished, but if you check the gallery section, you will see a bunch of different templates in use (for every link there's a template).
There is no limit. You can use as many as you like.
If using this many is okay, is there a way to organize them in the admin cp similiar to the template section?
Sorry.. To achieve this I need to modify existing webtemplate table and this would cause incompetability with the existing version so I dont plan to do it. My suggestion maybe to use similiar names for similiar webtemplates. For example if you name them:
all gallery1 templates will be listed newt to each other and you can track tham easily
Also, I'd be interested in allowing more than two webtemplates to be called if you are considering releasing it.
There is a high demand for this feature but it really effects hack's performance badly by slowing the parsing and increasing loading time. So I cant promise for that feature.. Let's see what will happen in the next release..