Logician - Love the hack! Thanks to the patient help of
DrkFusion - the hack is installed and working smoothly, and I even have a slight concept of how to use it!
Please take a look at
www.thesistersthree.com/site ALL my pages are webtemplates. I know you said not to use a lot of them, but is there a limit? So far it seems really helpful. I don't have a lot of the site finished, but if you check the
gallery section, you will see a bunch of different templates in use (for every link there's a template).
If using this many is okay, is there a way to organize them in the admin cp similiar to the template section? For instance - I'd like all the gallery webtemplates to be in one section, spells in another, etc etc.
Also, I'd be interested in allowing more than two webtemplates to be called if you are considering releasing it.