Your message lacks many crucial details:
1- Have you managed to update these new fields you created inside vb? ie. are vb writing your custom variables user entered to your custom db fields when a new post is made? First check that out via PHPmyAdmin, to make sure custom fields are populated.
2- If they are populated what are these fields? In other words, what new fields have you created in which tables? (thread? post? both? which do you populate?)
3- What code are you trying to apply and fail in showthread.php? Where do you insert it in the file? Have your traced the problem by debugging? put some "echo variablename"s around to see if vb can read data from these fields successfully or not..
4- If vb can read data from the new fields, have you made template modifications so that they are displayed in thread view?
It is really impossible for someone to help you without knowing these details (unless he codes the script for you from the ground)..