Little help here
this is the code in index.php for the on/off buttons
if ($bbuserinfo['lastvisitdate']=='Never') {
} else {
if (isset($bbforumview[$forum['forumid']]) and $bbforumview[$forum['forumid']]>$bbuserinfo['
lastvisit']) {
} else {
if ($userlastvisit<$forum['lastpost']) {
} else {
if ((!$forumperms['canpostnew'] and $showlocks) or $forum['allowposting']==0) {
now my question is this .. is there a way I can add an IF that says
if forumid equals number 20 (using 20 as an example) then $forum['onoff']='20on'; ... $forum['onoff']='20off';
The idea is to have custom on/off buttons to certain forums .. is this possible ?