Thanks for answering the questions HellSatan, I had no idea this hack would fill it so quickly in just a couple days. I was on a train for 12 hours yesterday up to Mt. Shasta, so I wasn't able to provide some help then.
Originally posted by hellsatan
Good, except for 2 things...
Images uploads - How do we know they wont upload p*rn?
Without forum includes - how will internet niave members get back to the forum easily?
Well there is no imaging upload first of all, there is just image hotlinking from another website, but I figure that's what you meant. There is no way to prevent linking adult or offensive images, but hopefully the specific rules given on the custompage screen in the user profile will make it VERY clear. Also allowing members with a certain postcount, should be high, should allow those common with the forum rules to know whats right and wrong. Just be sure you moderate the pages, maybe create a new usergroup just for moderators that check the pages, insuring the code is safe and there is no bad content.
Originally posted by ripman
Mayby it would be good make something more than simple page - eg. everyone can make his own webpage - but the full one, including :
-Hiperlinks to other private pages within one account
-Images upload
-Without forum's includes (logo,buttons,etc)
What do you think about that ?
Having multiple pages might be a consideration for a future version of this hack, but I have no intention right now in adding that feature. Same goes with image upload, and actually I probably won't ever release image upload unless somebody else wants to code it out, only because your forum isn't meant to be a private Angelfire, or whatever..
For your third request, this can be done very simple.
Just replace the template
getinfo_custompage with the following:
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
<title>$bbtitle - $userinfo[custompagename]</title>
All I really did was remove the $header, $headinclude, and $footer. NOTICE though that I removed the <body> and </body> tags, this means in the modifycustompage screen, your users will have to add the <body></body> tags within the body content field. If you add it default like this: <body></body>, I believe your vB will modify it to it's style replacement set value. But if you specify <body bgcolor="#345678"></body>, it will set the background color to that hexadecimal value.
Those still recieving a blank page when you click on the custompage link in the user profile, I'm not too sure what to say but make sure you follow the instructions exactly doing everything as told.
Thanks for all the feedback