Originally posted by Boofo
Whatever. The reason I put the code in above is I couldn't get it to work in private messages (Quick reply or regular) until Firefly gave me that code to put in there. Then it started working in the regular replies. I don't use the Quick PM Reply Box much anyway, so UNINSTALL. The support isn't that good anyway. Anyone can say "I don't know, works good for me".
You haven't given me anything to work with. Your problem could be caused by a million things - another hack interfering with this one etc. I support this hack - I cannot be expected to support Firefly's hack to make it compatible with this one. Like I said, it IS compatible. You posted a piece of code but don't tell me where it is. It's not in my private.php. Where is that code from? What do you expect me to do? I don't have access to your PHP files or your templates?
Also, I work full-time as well - I posted this hack up as a gesture of thanks for the multiple hacks I have taken from here. Don't expect 24 hour instant support.