I've been having the same problems with most users ever online that has been posted about numerous times here. I've sifted through the code extensively, even commented out the Who's online today section of code. Still had the problem, Deleted the code, still had the problem.
I'm still looking into the cause, but the most ever users online works fine until somebody loads home.php, then it reverts the number to however many users are online at that time. :/
Any ideas? I *may have found the problem, or at least something that may lead us to the problem.
When examining the queries that occur just before the update of the template, in home.php I found a query:
Query: SELECT template FROM template WHERE title='maxloggedin' AND (templatesetid=-1 OR templatesetid='5') ORDER BY templatesetid DESC LIMIT 1
Then I looked at the db record for any and all entries in the template table. Found one matching title='maxloggedin' but its templatesetid is -2.
I thought this a bit odd, so I examined the queries around the same update query on the index.php (my forumshome page) and found no similar query.
Now I know that this query is being generated in the ./admin/functions.php file that is called from ./global.php, but I'm wondering why home.php is creating it in the first place, as index.php doesn't, besides the templatesetid's called for in the query don't match the actual id is shows in the db table.
I'm going to keep looking into this, but I'd appreciate any input/suggestions/help you could give, as this 'quirk' is starting to frustrate me....