Originally posted by inetd
hm. Yes, i logged in if admin. I'm use WEBTEMPLATES 1.0.
ok then, plz send your webtemplate via PM or email and let me take a look at it..
I'm want use $getnewpost[posts], $newpm[messages], $unreadpm[messages], $allpm[messages] in WEBTEMPLATES. How i can make this?
Sorry you cant use these variables in your webtemplates. They are vb variables and formed dynamically inside vb scripts so they cant be moved to webtemplates easily. However if what you are trying to do is to get/display user's PM count/read/unread PM numbers etc., you can create custom webqueries for these. (Please get the basics of SQL to form these queries)
When i open test.php in browser i see blank page. Help me, please.
I see.. This is related to your server settings I guess. Although I dont use this structure in my site, I know Wildthinks uses it in his site with success. However it may not work for you. So if you are trying to make a webtemplate your main page, try .htaccess method. It will work..