"Good threads"
I run a busy board, but nobody uses thread rating (and who can blame them). So, I'm currently working on a way to create a list of "good threads": so that if someone wants to read the best threads of the day, they can quickly and easily find them.
I want to make this un-hackable, so people can't bump their threads to the top.
Currently, it bears the following in mind (in no order):
1. How many views has it had?
2. How many replies has it had?
3. How old is it?
Just this, so far, has worked out quite a strong algorithm for sorting 'good threads'.
I want to add, in future:
4. What is its thread rating?
5. How many people rated it?
6. Who has taken part
...we have three member categories: moderated members (mostly newbies), normal members, and 'real name' members (who are consistently posting well and also use their real names). That means I can add extra 'points' to the thread for postings by 'real name' members.
What does anyone else think about this... mad idea?