That's incorrect. The vBulletin Posting Code Allowances section only permits limiting how one inserts smilies, not how many smilies one can have in the text. What we need to correct this flaw is a setting that would limit the maximum number of smilies (and run a check before the post is processed).
Allow vB IMG code in signatures?
Allow vB code in signatures?
Allow smilies in signatures?
Allow HTML in signatures?
Maximum images per post/signature
Maximum number of images to allow in posts / signatures. Set this to 0 to have no effect.
Clickable Smilies per Row
When a user has enabled the clickable vbcode/smilies how many smilies do you want to show per row?
Clickable Smilies Total
When a user has enabled the clickable vbcode/smilies how many smilies do you want to display on the screen before the user is prompted to click for more.
Allow Dynamic URL for [img] tags?
If this is set to 'no', the [img] tag will not be displayed if the path to the image contains dynamic characters such as ? and &. This can prevent malicious use of the tag.
Allow vBcode Buttons & Clickable Smilies?
This global switch allows you to completely disable vBcode buttons and clickable smilies.