What might be interesting is to check for Google - or "search" - in the referrer, and don't give a <META REFRESH, but properly redirect them to the proper version of the page automatically.
That means that Google won't be given the changed location when it spiders, but any normal user, following a Google search, will get the proper redirect.
You can do this by...
1. Changing $refresh=0 to $refresh=1
2. Find $forwarding=1
PHP Code:
$forward= "<script language=\"javascript\">document.location.href='$forumURL/showthread.php?threadid=$threadID';";
$forward.= "document.write('<font face=verdana,arial size=2><b><center>Please wait while the new version is loading...</center></b></font><br> <br>');</script>";
$metas="<META HTTP-EQUIV=\"REFRESH\" CONTENT=\"0;$forumURL/showthread.php?threadid=$threadID\"></head><body></body></html>";
PHP Code:
header ("Location: $forumURL/showthread.php?threadid=$threadID");
3. Just above that chunk of text, find
PHP Code:
if ((!stristr(getenv(HTTP_REFERER),$homeURL)) or (strlen(getenv(HTTP_REFERER)) < 1)) {
PHP Code:
if ((!stristr(getenv(HTTP_REFERER),"text")) or (strlen(getenv(HTTP_REFERER)) < 1)) {
text is a bit from your URL. I.e. if you're hosted on
www.mydomain.com then put "mydomain" in there.
What does the panel think?