Alright after reviewing what you said, I honestly probably cannot build this hack, it's out of my league. But here is a suggestion to you hackers, 2 seperate cp's.
Super Moderator's Control Panel
*Add/Modify Announcements
*Who Voted/Strip Poll/Unsubscrive Thread
*Find Users, Edit Users, Edit Signatures, Edit Custom Titles
*Add/Edit Avatars
*Add/Edit Smilies
*Add/Edit Posting Icons
*Ban/Suspend Users
*Ban Emails
*Search for multiple IP's
And as for the moderator's cp, can you make it so that on the admin's cp that they can individually choose which moderator's get access or select Global for all mods getting access?
Moderator's Control Panel
*Search for users (But Can't Edit)
*Edit Signatures
*Who Voted, Strip Poll
*Add/Edit Smilies
*Suspend users
*Search for multiple IP's
*Edit Custom Titles
I am really hoping someone here can design this hack, I really do need it created. Or if you can somehow give me detailed instructions, I can give it a crack.