Finally, a good idea from me
Okay, I trust you guys are familiar with the supermod cp. What I am suggesting is that you expand that cp, as well as make some options useable for the moderators.
Super Moderator Controls
Now can you make it so that super moderators have the options to create custom user titles for moderators and normal users if he chooses too. This use to be an option only available to the admins, but I really think it'd be useful since I have it so all mods can have custom user titles.
For the thread control options under the supermod panel. Can you make it so now in addition that supermods have the ability to see who voted in polls, strip polls, and Unsubscribe to threads.
In addition for supermods this is something I'm sure a lot of you will agree with, make it so that super mods can Add/Modify Smilies.
Be able to edit signatures
Moderator Options
Now when mods go to the cp can you make it so that they are actually able to edit the following things.
The own user title. No one elses but theres.
Be able to edit Moderation Lists.
And be to edit signatures.
See who voted in polls and strip polls.
Thats all.