I've been trying to set this up on a non VB .shtml page for a few days now and think I've found the reason why some people are getting gibberish whenever they try to load this on a .shtml page.
I use the following call from my home page to load the calendar:
<!--#include virtual="forum/cal.php" -->
What I've discovered is that if certain settings are enabled in the browser (both IE and Netscape), I get gibberish when I view the page.
On all systems I've tried (4 - windows nt, 2000 and XP running IE 6 and Netscape 4.75), the call above produces garbage if the "Use HTTP1.1 through proxy connections" option in IE is enabled.
On some systems, the include call above works (but not on WinXP) if only "Use HTTP 1.1" is enabled.
Result: Disabling "Use HTTP1.1 through proxy connections" allows viewing the mini calendar through the call on some machines. On XP, both options need to be disabled before the calendar is displayed properly.
Note: Just loading the "cal.php" page by itself without using the SSI call above works without disabling either of the options above.
To disable the options in IE: Go to the Tools menu > Internet Options > Advanced. The HTTP options should be about halfway down.
Can anyone else confirm these findings?