If you're like me, the only reason you'll use the control panel to play with pictures is to make sure nobody uploaded stupid stuff. I found it long and annoying to see the list of all the members so here's two lines you can add to this script to make it faster and one little line to make it easier.
On user.php:
$users=$DB_site->query("SELECT user.userid,username,email,picture_name,photodesc,ipaddress,userfield.* FROM user,userfield WHERE $condition AND userfield.userid=user.userid ORDER BY $orderby $direction LIMIT $limitstart,$limitnumber");
and replace it with:
$users=$DB_site->query("SELECT user.userid,username,email,picture_name,photodesc,ipaddress,userfield.* FROM user,userfield WHERE $condition AND user.picture_name != '' AND userfield.userid=user.userid ORDER BY $orderby $direction LIMIT $limitstart,$limitnumber");
now find (it should be the line right under the one you just replaced):
$countusers=$DB_site->query_first("SELECT COUNT(*) AS users FROM user,userfield WHERE $condition AND userfield.userid=user.userid");
and replace it with:
$countusers=$DB_site->query_first("SELECT COUNT(*) AS users FROM user,userfield WHERE $condition AND user.picture_name != '' AND userfield.userid=user.userid");
To easily view the picture (without having to click edit and then view picture, do this:
makelinkcode("<font type=verdana color=#3366cc>edit</font>","user.php?s=$session[sessionhash]&action=photosuploadedit&userid=$user[userid]").
and above it, add:
makelinkcode("<font type=verdana color=#3366cc>view</font>","../images/userpics/$user[picture_name]").
Obviously, you might need to modify this to fit your own image path.
Also, this will prevent you from manually adding pictures to users but hey, if you installed the script, they should be able to do it themselves... no?
Hope this help anybody...