Hello fellow vb owners,
I am here to ask of you a favour.
Feel free to decline

*Stops talking in good way*
OK guys, I just opened
www.fusion-central.net, the site offers free user services, including sig hosting. Now the favour, I would really appreciate it if you can pass the message of the free sig hosting to your members, or anyone that would be interested in a place for them to host your sigs.
The servers are fast, and very powerful, so it will run smooth, and your members can be garunteed to see no broken links.
The Uploader is in beta mode, but as soon as I get the registration up, 1 user can upload as many images as they want to there own unique folder.
If you can please do this one lil favour, I will be really greatful.

If you decide to be a really kind person, and help me out, pelase send me your link

via aim or email.
Please AIM my mate at ScapeStudio :banana: