Great hack, I love it!!!! Just a couple questions:
- My shoutbox is located at the top of the forum http://nba2k3.net/forum/index.php. How would I go about changing: The Shoutbox - Latest Shout to match my other forum category colors? If you go look at it, you'll see that bar is Black with Lime color fonts. I would like to have that changed to Lime background color and Black colored fonts. Also, How could I change the color of the fonts in the actual shout alone if I wanted to?
- I still can't seem to figure out how to have the Shout posted to the top of each sub-forum, rather than just the main forum page
Can anyone help me with this?
- Finally, what template is it that I change where the shout bar at the top of my forums are shown? Say for example I wanted to move it to the bottom.
Oh .. and by the way...what does the shoutbox_hack.php file do and where am I supposed to upload it?
Thanks very much!!

I love this hack
