Great idea! I read about this hack here and thought it seemed interesting, so I downloaded the attached file and had a look at it. I decided to have a go at it, so I spoke to one of the other server admins who is operating our IRC bots, and asked him if he could add the script to a bot. He thought it was a great idea as well, so he re-wrote the TLC script and the code implented to index.php and I did some simple template modifications. I turned out great and I love it

. I made it look similar to the "Currently Active Users" box and put it right below it.
Users with @ in front of their nicks are Operators, with + in front of their nicks are voiced users and the others are regular users. "Most Users Ever Online in #Channel" will be worked on next. The list is updated whenever someone joins, parts, quits, get kicked or get banned.
The users are sorted by status (Op -> Voiced -> Reg. Members) and alphabetically as well. I would have to check with my fellow server admin if he wants to release it as a hack, but I don't think that would be a problem (if there's interest, that is), and if so, I'll release it as a separate hack since the code is completely different (although Major thanks to sas1911 for presenting this idea). Check out the attached screenshot and view it online at