I think it is you who is missing the point.
What ever vB.org may have been in the past, it sure as hell is not like that now. Now all I see are 14 year old kiddies who run around posting about the so called modifications they have made while making empty promises to release them as a ploy to generate traffic to his or her site. Most noticeably are the kids who own Final Fantasy sites. God as if we didn't have enough of them already. They latch onto an idea, make it and then go around telling others they will give it away at "some point" but to go to the site and see it working anyway. They need these types of cyber crutches in order to stand above the rest, and get mad as sin when someone else does similar.
I say so called "hacks" because adding to vB is not hacking my any means.
Looking around at all these lame "hacks" has taught me that it requires next to no skill. All one has to do is add about 80 new profile fields and then BLAMO, instant "hack." vB is slow / cumbersome as it is, and they go and turn it into a 230 query, 2.000 second loading monstrosity that will surely upset the hosting provider if kept up. Not surprising seeing as how most of them cant even spell, let alone code proper syntax. Bottom line, if you are here to promote your crap FF site with your proposed "hack" then stay the hell away and don't complain when people become frustrated with your empty promise.