Originally posted by TalkHardRandy
I've been running with this for a while & it works great... however, I was wanting to know how to restrict certain groups of users from accessing chat. We have users that we don't want to have access to the chat room & short of banning them there is nothing else we can do.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
I think it can be done by adding a style which you use in only one (members) forum. You can download styles at
www.yaxay.com and here in vBulletin.org. Then look in your admin panel and set the usernames in the chat template (OF YOUR MEMBERS STYLE) to $username and $email or something. Of course somebody can log onto your channel using another IRC client, unless you have a private channel of course..... Anyone know where to get them btw?
Still new to this but I think it should work.