OK, sorry about the slow replies. I've been updating my website quite a bit these last few days.
These are the no cache headers that vbulletin uses. Try these to see if they work.
<!-- no cache headers -->
<meta http-equiv="Pragma" content="no-cache">
<meta http-equiv="no-cache">
<meta http-equiv="Expires" content="-1">
<meta http-equiv="Cache-Control" content="no-cache">
<!-- end no cache headers -->
The latest threads on
my website's homepage is a slight modification of Tubedog's hack available here.
The other two (the Book News, and the Site News) are ones that I wrote myself. They're basically identical hacks but each one looks to a different forum ID for the info, and use different templates. The book news is a public forum, the site news is a private forum so can't be seen in the forums by guests and members (but it can by me

In writing them, I used code and ideas from several of the news hacks available here. To cut the title after x charcters, have a look at KuraFire's newsportal and thread overview hack and Tubedog's latest threads hack. To pull forum info to a non-vb page have a look at vbhome or vbindex (look for the news bits in the code).
I suppose if enough people are interested I could release them as a separate hack (when I get a bit more time
