Originally posted by Lilac
G force, I'm a new bie to installing hacks. Inside the directions, you don't state where these files are supposed to be uploaded into. Where are these files supposed to be uploaded into?
Well the Install_comment goes into the admin folder and the images go in the images folder and the comment.php goes in the root folder.
Also for the post after that you made. I am not sure what you are talking about. please explain a little more thanks.
And Gforce i am trying my hardest to think of more addons hehe. O think i have one.
This ability for the comments to be viewed in the persons profile. It should show all the comments because then that would be to much. It should show this person has 100 comments. Maybe in the profile it will just show 5 and then it will say if you want to see the other comments click HERE and that would be the link to the comments.php for that user. I think that would be pretty cool.
I also think that the add comments and mod comments buttons should be in the profile as well. That would also be pretty kool. But if you have a better layout than what i am thinking go ahead hehe.