Have you got it where I can assign it to any image (button) without that chat part? I just want ot have it open up whatver and add that users name to the buddies list. I tried it with the VBScript, but I don't know VBScript enough to make it work.
BTW: What would happen if someone clicked on it and didn't have msn installed or use msn messeneger. Would it give them an error?
Originally posted by scsa20
hey all, I've looked for something like this but never found it..yeah, there's some out that lets you click on and start chaten, but can you add them?? with this hack, witch came from wBB by Manix, you can put in your e-mail address for MSN Messenger and you can click on the chat which you can talk to him or you can add him with one click, then by clicking Next>Next.
I've included a install.txt (in cause you want to install it on your own) and MSNHack.hack.php (if you want to do it the fast, simple way).
this hack took me awhile to convert and I'll understand if it doesn't work, so if it doesn't work, let me know so I can see if I could fix it.