Here's a screenshot of what i believe that you wanted as well as the coding

open index.php
// get total posts
above it add:
PHP Code:
// +++++++ Last Post Thread ID [ Start ] +++++++
$getid=$DB_site->query("SELECT threadid FROM thread ORDER BY lastpost DESC LIMIT 1");
while ($threads = mysql_fetch_array($getid)) {
$lastthread="<a href=\"showthread.php?s=$session[sessionhash]&threadid=$threads[threadid]\">$threads[threadid]</a>";
$getpid=$DB_site->query("SELECT postid FROM post ORDER BY postid DESC LIMIT 1");
while ($postings = mysql_fetch_array($getpid)) {
$lastpost="<a href=\"showthread.php?s=$session[sessionhash]&postid=$postings[postid]\">$postings[postid]</a>";
// +++++++ Last Post Thread ID [ End ] +++++++
Then open up the forumhome template and place
PHP Code:
$lastpost $lastthread
where ever you want you can customize from there im sure you can