Originally posted by Alan Ang
i can access the webquery, i can edit webquery, but i just can't preview, that's all. 
does "cant preview" mean, when you load your webtemplate, your webqueries are not displayed? However you can list/edit/insert them inside your Admin CP, right?
pardon me, i don't get you... what is the fix that you are referring to?
yes, i mean replacing the html... is it possible to embed into the html?
You have a few options for this:
a) You can set your .htaccess file and point index.html as /url/board/show.php?pg=yourwebtemplate and so your main page will be this webtemplate
b) You can set your main page as index.php instead of index.html and in your index.php, you can include any webtemplate you want (see
here for more info)
as you can guess I can see it, as I'm a guest.

Please first apply the fix above and if it doesnt work give guests access (with [cansee] tags) to this webtemplate so that I can see it.