Originally posted by Frenck
Well I have installed it, and I'm sorry to say it, but it really sucks.
Such tact!

While I do appreciate your input, I don't like to be told that my work sucks

[*] At first I would say it's very messy! There is javascript everywhere! (How about a single file? instead of heaving all the code in all the templates...)
OK, I'll do this in a later update. I basically only wrote the switchit() function and integrated into the already existing code I was given.
[*] Bad communication between the authors (example: a bad updated install.txt)
I will create a new install.txt with complete instructions when I get some more updates done.
[*] Editting a post, shows all normal vBcode (it's not converted)
I will work on this. I'll have to do it the hard way (.substr(int,int)) because .replace(regExp, string) doesn't work correctly with [ and ]
[*] The Color function appears not to work with all the colors
This is a possibility. As I said, all I did was the function, but I will look at this tommorow as well.
[*] missing image/php/quote/code
I will put the vbCode button bar back into the template. I don't know why eiSecure removed it anyway.
[*] After pressing a toolbar option, it wil not remain clicked
This is a technical impossibility. If you were to move the cursor, the button would still remain highlighted. Until someone can figure out how to get the cursor position in an iframe, then this cannot be done.
[*] The color selection is better of intergrated instead as an popup. I isn't handy for people with popup killers..(Could be intergrated like the fonts are intergrated)
OK, should be able to use almost the same function.
[*] Option to switch from wysiwyg to normal editing mode, directly from the form? (Just a simple link?)
I am not proficient enough in understanding the vBulletin PHP coding to do this.
[*] Add a browser detection? Because it doesn't work in all browsers?
What would you like it to do? The browser detection? I can detect the browser, that's no problem, but what to do when an incompatible browser is detected?
[*] Intergrate smileys? (As an toolbar?)
I'm confused about the necessity of this? The smilies are right next to it

I will however, have them show up as the actual smilies. I think I can do it; I'm just not sure about erasing them.
[*] vBcode/Smilies are always inserted @ the end of the message (Better at the place of the cursor?)
Does anyone know how to track the position of the cursor in an iframe? Otherwise I can't do this either.
"(Sorry for my bad english)"
You're English seemed pretty good to me
