Well I have installed it, and I'm sorry to say it, but it really sucks.
After reading a lot of posts I noticed that the install.txt wasn't updated, so I fixed some stuff. Now it works (That's what you call works).
Some things I really don't like:
- At first I would say it's very messy! There is javascript everywhere! (How about a single file? instead of heaving all the code in all the templates...)
- Bad communication between the authors (example: a bad updated install.txt)
- Editting a post, shows all normal vBcode (it's not converted)
- The Color function appears not to work with all the colors
- missing image/php/quote/code
- After pressing a toolbar option, it wil not remain clicked
- The color selection is better of intergrated instead as an popup. I isn't handy for people with popup killers..(Could be intergrated like the fonts are intergrated)
- Option to switch from wysiwyg to normal editing mode, directly from the form? (Just a simple link?)
- Add a browser detection? Because it doesn't work in all browsers?
- Intergrate smileys? (As an toolbar?)
- vBcode/Smilies are always inserted @ the end of the message (Better at the place of the cursor?)
(There is more, but was direct on my mind)
Some things I like:
- No need to enable the HTML
- Visual of what you are doing (Good for newbies to forums)
Well I change it back to the old fasion way, maybe if this hack is updated to a better hack, than I will install it again.
(Sorry for my bad english)