Originally posted by amity
i have about 6 or 7 of them running right now, and i can't imagine having to do them all over again. i haven't upgraded since 2.2.4 out of sheer fear. i have 2100+ registered and at least 550 of those visit daily. i would hate to screw the boards up.
You have only 7 hacks and afraid to upgrade? come on now
Here is a general tip: Always have a (or a few) mirror of your site in your local computer. Nakkid has a instruction regarding the issue in Hints board. Install PHP, MYSQL and Apache to your computer and copy all directory tree of your site to your computer together with MYSQL database.
Now you can test everything there and make sure it will be ok. This applies to installing new hacks, trying code changes, upgrading, reapplying hacks, anything you can think of. If you dont encounter any problems, you can do it in your real board..
By the way you may like to give a shot for the fix, but it may not work (it didnt work here).