Originally posted by eiSecure
Also, since you say the install is messy, how about you make one? :bunny:
hmmmmmmm....did I say sloppy? I meant it's perfect, *cough*but could be better*cough*. I'm busy at the moment though, and I'm sure people will be able to navigate their way through it (hopefully not destroying their forums in the process--j/k

Originally posted by eiSecure
Yes, VBCode works fine, however, it is not displayed. What you see on the page is HTML, but when you submit, it's automatically converted to BBCode, so there shouldn't be any security issues there.
Smilies will auto-insert, but again, they won't be displayed images.
Clickable smilies are not working for me

Sure, I can type a smilie face, which is basically a : and (, but the left box with smilies in them does not work when you click on it. Instead, I get a run time error my Microsoft Script Debugger picks up...
One solution to this is fixing it so the [get more] link works also, because it doesn't for me

Once that works, users will at least know what vbcode to type to get a smilie to work.
Attached is a screenshot of the problem.
ALSO: where did the alignment button go? That was way cool, but now its gone...