Originally posted by Velocd
Does the VBcode work though? Such as typing [php] will auto format? And also how about smilies? Will clicking on them insert them into the editor? Other than those two issues, this is defiantly excellent!
One request though: In the original WYSIWYG editor that was posted up in the request section, it had a feature to upload an image by browsing for it on your computer. Any way to implement that?
Yes, VBCode works fine, however, it is not displayed. What you see on the page is HTML, but when you submit, it's automatically converted to BBCode, so there shouldn't be any security issues there.
Smilies will auto-insert, but again, they won't be displayed images.
Images would be possible, if there is a way for the user to upload multiple files to the server.
Also, since you say the install is messy, how about you make one?
