this is a little tricky so I'm not sure if it will work (and too lazy to try myself)

but give it a try:
edit search.php and find:
PHP Code:
$datesql=" AND thread.lastpost>=".(time() - (24 * 60 *60 * $days));
and replace it as:
PHP Code:
if ($bbuserinfo[userid]==0 AND $bbuserinfo[lastvisit]>1 AND $bbuserinfo[lastvisit]<mktime (date("H"), date("i"), date("s"), date("m"), date("d")-1, date("Y")))
{$datesql=" AND thread.lastpost>=".$bbuserinfo[lastvisit];}
$datesql=" AND thread.lastpost>=".(time() - (24 * 60 *60 * $days));
looks like it will do the trick..