This is not really a hack request, because i am not really asking for you to create something for the public here...but to implement a feature which i think would be VERY useful for many of us........
In the "hacks" section, there is a wonderful little checkbox which allows you to check which hacks you have installed.
But...when i get into a hack implementing mode, and start hunting up neat stuff in the database, it is often that i find a great hack i mean to install, and wind up losing the page only to re-discover it MANY months later....and only then remembering i had seen it before.
I think it would be a GREAT thing if you could add a second instance of the routine you use to show which hacks a person has installed, which would let them add a hack to their "To-do" list. That way, we can in a sense bookmark the hack so we can refer back to it later without wasting your CPU or bandwidth to search for it
Just a thought....