Well, I didnt make the changes in newreply and new thread to the changes for this way, so I just did (dont know if they are the same).
I get a parse error and wondering something...
$ircdata = $DB_site->query_first("SELECT * FROM ircaddon");
if($ircdata[ircthread] == "1") {
$Action = "new";
$fid = trim($ircdata[ircforum]);
$ircforum=explode(" ", preg_replace("/[[:space:]]+/", " ", $fid) );
while (list($key,$val)=each($ircforum))
if ((strstr(" ".$forumid," ".trim($val))!="") || ($ircdata[ircforum] == 0))
"Seems theres two } 's missing but I do not know where they belong?"