Originally posted by Mist
please dont have a go at me here... but i think that this is the worst possible hack someone could have ever made... i would hate someone to be able to login in as me at a board i post at... it ruins the point of having users...this is just my opinion tho ... i dont like this idea 
Mist this hack doesnt open Admin a new door which doesnt already exist to disguise as a user. You have the control of your db and Admin CP and if a Admin wants to login as a user he already can: Copy users password from MYSQL, change it to something you want and login with that password. After you are finished, revert his old password with SQL UPDATE command and he wouldnt even notice you logged in with his user name.
So as you see you already have the tools to do it.
IMO the hack can be very useful when a user have a problem he cant solve by himself or cant explain good or wants you to see the problem and with this hack you can easily login as him without playing with SQL commands.
In vbulletin I have 2 instances I asked Firefly to login as me to notice a problem and in my board I have been asked many times to login as someone since they insist they catched a bug/problem which only occurs to them. (Like they cant empty PM box etc.)
I think the hack is quite useful. My 2 cents..