Originally posted by nitro
lol@ jakex the only involvment i have with this hack is to beta test it and then i cudnt beta test the origional hack cuz me web host dont allow connection to irc
its only cuz there was an eggdrop mod an i want the hack that i cud test
as for rewriting this hack i am nowhere near the level of coding that is required
i have 2 bugs with the eggdrop ver an i hope they can be fixed but i dont expect it to happen. i doubt very much wether i cud even fix them myself
perhaps if donq doesnt feel like starting a new thread he cud post a zip with all the nesscecary files including the tcl for the egggdrop ver if he dont want to then i cud do that
please do so

, cause this thread is getting very complicated for the newbies around here (like me).