Originally posted by solent
well i try it and i found it great although i have a couple of problems.
First my username and password is not directly passed when i click on the chat rooms although i did exactly as you said.
Second the chat room dose not open in a new window in the specified resolution that i passed to it.
Any ideas please
wherever you are calling the chat url from (whether in a vbb page or in a seperate page) you must make sure that $chatname and $chatpass are declared (i showed how i did it in the phpinclude template), and further that is it correctly passed to the actual chat script. this is totally up to you how you want to do this. i do it via an intermediary script (menu_chat.php), which then interprets $chatname as $username and $chatpass as $password. think about the sequence of how things are layed out and then decide how it must be done for your site, because
there is no one-size-fits-all answer.
regarding the chatroom window, you must use a javascript popUp script if you want to specify resolutions.