I made it work. You can view it on IRC by connecting to partners.realmnet.com and joining #kellyhu.
The script ftps changes of the board to a shell that I have, and the eggdrop bot uses channel and message commands to send the user the data requested.
Current commands are:
!last5 - this command will list the five last threads that were posted on the message board.
!top5posters - this command will list the top five posters.
!top5threads - this command will list the top five threads. The threads are judged by the number of replies each thread has recieved.
!lastpost - this command will tell you the last post to be made to the board and what it says.
!onlineusers - this command will tell you the current number of members and guests online along with the names of the members online.
!forums - this command shows the available forums that are on the board.