Use/Test at your own risk

and don't forget to correct the file paths in the code (based around vB4)
Implementing a CAPTCHA challenge after a certain number of refreshes in vBulletin 4 requires a combination of client-side and server-side scripting. Here's a step-by-step guide to achieve this:
1. Client-Side Scripting:
First, we'll use JavaScript to count the number of page refreshes.
<script src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var refreshCount = localStorage.getItem('refreshCount') || 0;
$(document).ready(function () {
localStorage.setItem('refreshCount', refreshCount);
if (refreshCount > 5) { // Change 5 to the number of refreshes you want to allow before triggering CAPTCHA
url: 'path_to_your_vbulletin/captcha_trigger.php',
method: 'POST',
data: { triggerCaptcha: true },
success: function(response) {
if (response === 'show_captcha') {
// Redirect to a page or pop up a modal to show the CAPTCHA challenge
window.location.href = 'path_to_your_vbulletin/show_captcha.php';
2. Server-Side Scripting:
This script will handle the AJAX request and set a session variable to trigger the CAPTCHA.
if (isset($_POST['triggerCaptcha']) && $_POST['triggerCaptcha'] == true) {
$_SESSION['show_captcha'] = true;
echo 'show_captcha';
This script will display the CAPTCHA challenge to the user.
if (isset($_SESSION['show_captcha']) && $_SESSION['show_captcha'] == true) {
// Display your CAPTCHA challenge here. You can use vBulletin's built-in CAPTCHA or integrate with a third-party service like reCAPTCHA.
// After displaying the CAPTCHA, reset the session variable
$_SESSION['show_captcha'] = false;
} else {
// If the session variable is not set, redirect the user back to the main page
header('Location: path_to_your_vbulletin/main_page.php');
3. Integration with vBulletin:
- Add the client-side script to the footer or header template of your vBulletin theme so it runs on every page load.
- Place the server-side scripts (captcha_trigger.php and show_captcha.php) in the root directory of your vBulletin installation or an appropriate sub-directory.
- Ensure that the paths in the AJAX request and redirection match the locations of your server-side scripts.
This solution will present a CAPTCHA challenge to the user after they refresh the page a certain number of times. Adjust the threshold as needed. Remember to test thoroughly before deploying to a live environment, I recommend using a staging environment / cloned or copied version of your main site.