Hello all!
We have vbseo on a vB3 board.
The thing I want to achieve is very simple, but I don't have do it.
I want on a php script to convert an attachment url into vbseo friendly url.
The url is something like this:
$vbulletin->options['bburl'] . "/attachment.php?attachmentid=$attach[attachmentid]&d=$attach[dateline]
(full attachment url / not thumb=1)
I tried this but we receive server error on cloudflare:
PHP Code:
$temp = "<a href=\"" .$vbulletin->options['bburl'] . "/attachment.php?attachmentid=$attach[attachmentid]&d=$attach[dateline]\"></a>";
$temp = make_crawlable($temp);
$temp = str_replace("<a href=\"", "", $temp);
$temp = str_replace("\"></a>", "", $temp);
$attach['full_res_src'] = $temp;
I tried also to use this instead:
PHP Code:
$temp = vbseo_output_handler($temp, false);
I works but it converts only the first url (the $temp is on a loop with more than one $attach).
Finally to notice that this is returning "" (empty):
PHP Code:
$attach['full_res_src'] = vbseo_attachment_url($attach['attachmentid']);
Any idea?