Still using on vb 5.7.5
One issue I do have is that whether through sign up via this mod or vbulletin's own social media registration process, the "Display Name" ends up blank which leads to the User Name not being displayed in posts.
Also registration via social media doesn't seem to populate the Country / Location fields.
OneAll wrote to me as follows, I have not had a chance to check this code yet:
About lack of country / location, that is normal because Facebook is not sending them to your website so you will not be able to get them. You can use our node "loginLocation" by editing our toolbox.php plugin file into function called extract_social_network_profile line 769.
You can get the location using this :
$data['user_country'] = !empty($identity->loginLocation->country->short) ? $identity->loginLocation->country->short : '';
Then go into create_user function into same file. To add Display name, I think you could add this line at line 161.
$user->set('displayname', $vbulletin->db->escape_string($username));
I use the same value than username but feel free to use the field that you want. You can use all values saved into "$data" array from extract_social_network_profile function for example if you want to use the formatted name :
$user->set('displayname', $vbulletin->db->escape_string($data['user_formatted_name']));
And for location, I guess you can add this line still at line 161 (do not forget to add the line into extract_social_network_profile function) :
$user->set('location', $vbulletin->db->escape_string($data['user_country']));