spam ( 911- HELP )
I ran a popular forum that I started in 2005 with 0 members until sold in 2015 with 48000 plus members.
The first vbulletin versions worked great and spam was never an issue , I simply ask a question that most potential members would know and it worked well.
Now I know things always change, But lately I have been trying to start new forums with hopes of growing membership.
I am using vb 4 now before I used vb 3 worked great.
As soon as I installed vb 4 I get thousands of new spam members, it is almost like either vbulletion or the spam program I installed Spam-O-Matic sends notice to everyone in the world that a new forum is up with the url and all, When I did forums in the old days I rarely had a new spammer, now trying to get started I spend most of my time deleting spam. I would like knowledgeable answers NOT GUESSES. I appreciate and help. should I go back to VB 3 , I cannot beleive that all new and present forums have to deal with this much spam someone has to have found out a solution