frist get your functions.php file from the admin dir.
find this bit of code
PHP Code:
if (!$ignore[$post[userid]]) {
eval("\$retval = \"".gettemplate("postbit")."\";");
} else {
eval("\$retval = \"".gettemplate("postbit_ignore")."\";");
under it add.
PHP Code:
if ($post[userid]==*users id here* AND $bbuserinfo[userid]!=*users ID here*) {
eval("\$retval = \"".gettemplate("postbit_ignore")."\";");
replace *user id here* with the members user ID.
go to your postbit_ignore template and deleate everything in it, now the member is on site wide ignore, they see their post but no one else can, you can also do the same with user gourps, that way u can just change their status and they go under the ban, however others with cp acess can edit this, so i dont use it.
fallow what i posted about but insted of adding that code up there add this
PHP Code:
if ($post[usergroupid]==*user gourp id here AND $bbuserinfo[usergroupid]!=*user gourp id here) {
eval("\$retval = \"".gettemplate("postbit_ignore")."\";");
now make a new user gourp, something like banned, and replace the bits int he code with its #