In need of a vB 5 cron file for updating node.votes from reputation table
I have upgraded my site from vB 3.8.x to vB 5.7.1 and have the (thanks) likes all set to "0" (Zero). However, the data is available in the reputation table of the database.
Anyone proficient enough with the programming concepts of vB5 to provide a simple working cron file in vB5, to update the node.votes through for the following actions?
For every nodeid from the "node" table, do the following:
Read the number of reputation rows associated with the current nodeid. (Read reputation where nodeid = `nodeid`)
Assign that number of reputation rows to the votes variable associated with the nodeid (node[nodeid].votes = number of reputation rows)
End loop.
Thanks in advance to anyone who can help.
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Solved! I wrote a simple and crude php file, using procedural php.