it appears that vBulletin 4.2.5 Alpha 2 sends an activation e-mail to newly registered user even the e-mail is wrong, like "FK@9711"
Please how to fix this inside the code?
I have found following in /includes/class_mail.php
function send($force_send = false)
// No recipient, abort
if (!$this->toemail)
return false;
// Check debug settings
if (!$force_send AND defined('DISABLE_MAIL'))
if (is_string(DISABLE_MAIL))
// check for a recipient whitelist
if (strpos(DISABLE_MAIL, '@') !== false)
// check if the address is allowed
if (strpos(DISABLE_MAIL, $this->toemail) === false)
return false;
else if (strpos(DISABLE_MAIL, '.log') !== false)
// mail is only logged
$this->log_email('DEBUG', DISABLE_MAIL);
return true;
// recipient not in the whitelist and not logging
return false;
// DISABLE_MAIL defined but isn't a string so just disable
if (strpos(DISABLE_MAIL, $this->toemail) === false)
return false;
else if (strpos(DISABLE_MAIL, '.log') !== false)
// mail is only logged
$this->log_email('DEBUG', DISABLE_MAIL);
return true;
// recipient not in the whitelist and not logging
return false;
// DISABLE_MAIL defined but isn't a string so just disable
return false;
// Send the mail
return $this->exec_send();
Maybe it is correct code to modify?
Here they mention following:
if (!filter_var($email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) {
// invalid emailaddress
if (!checkdnsrr($domain, 'MX')) {
// domain is not valid
MX code
may delay things so is questionable. Maybe better to validate on registration form?
/register.php contains:
// check for matching email addresses
if ($vbulletin->GPC['email'] != $vbulletin->GPC['emailconfirm'])
can i append after that:
// check for valid email addresses
if (!filter_var($vbulletin->GPC['email'], FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL))
$userdata->error('to be valid e-mail');
When i do it, reg. form says "Could not find phrase 'to be valid e-mail'."
After using valid e-mail then no warning appear. Is this sufficing, or do You have idea how to fix it please?